HEYfarmer is the design lab and workshop of L.A.-based architects Gloria Lee and Nathan Swift, where ideas are explored through furniture and hands-on making. Gloria and Nathan began collaborating at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design where they studied architecture,. A line of steel furniture they developed called the Stud Series received wide accolades and showed their interest in seriality, flexibility, economy of resources, and the use of unadorned off-the-shelf materials. HEYfarmer continues to reinterpret traditional notions of use, form, beauty, through material, making, and experimentation. Their playful designs celebrate common everyday materials and reveal the extraordinary in the ordinary. HEYfarmer’s strength lies in their ability to innovate by looking at something old in a new light. Gloria and Nathan are also the founding principals of Swift Lee Office check out their work; and remember the world is moving SwiftLee, go SLO!




Gloria Lee

Nathan Swift

Alma Jauregui

Nicole Acarón-Toro

Justine Chandler

Daniel Cisneros

Voula Dasakis

Michael Leaveck

Phillip Mandery


Beta 1.7

Beta 1.7

Who We Are



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